Saturday, August 28, 2010

Chinook History

Part of our excitement about about Milo and the Chinook Breed is that it is a rare American breed that is barely 100 years old.  From what we've read, there are only about 800 registered Chinook's in the US with roughly 100 puppies born each year.  Milo is quite the little treasure!

Chinook was born on January 17, 1917 in New Hampshire to  a mastiff-like male dog and a female Greenland Husky descending from Robert E Peary's sled dogs.  Chinook belonged to Arthur Walden, who later bred him to Belgian Sheepdogs, German Shepherd Dogs, and Canadian Eskimo Dogs - - and the breed was named after him.

Chinook was one of the lead dogs on Admiral Richard Byrd's first expedition to Antarctica in 1928-1930.  On January 17th, 1928, Walden's single team of thirteen dogs moved 3,500 pounds of supplies from ship to base, a distance of 16 miles each trip, in two journeys.  Byrd wrote:  "Chinook was Walden's pride and there was no doubting the fact that he was a great dog."

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